cash cards

美 [kæʃ kɑːrdz]英 [kæʃ kɑːdz]
  • n.现金卡;自动取款卡
  • cash card的复数
cash cardscash cards

cash cards


  • 1
    N-COUNT 现金卡;自动取款卡
    A cash card is a card that banks give to their customers so that they can get money out of a cash dispenser.

  1. The terrifying prospect is that your cash cards would be refused , not because you were out of cash but because your bank was .


  2. Tens of thousands on each shift pay for meals swiftly by swiping cash cards loaded with 400 yuan ( $ 64 ) a month in food credits .


  3. Cash , cards , ID. And this .


  4. One reason electronic wallets – and other alternatives to cash and cards – have so far failed to take off is that they have not made consumers ' lives simpler or brought value to the businesses that use them .


  5. Use cash and debit cards and leave credit cards at home .


  6. Purse still has cash and credit cards in it .


  7. We accept cash and credit cards as payment for merchandise .


  8. Payments can be accepted by cash , credit cards , or checks .


  9. You can pay it by cash , credit cards or cheques are also acceptable .


  10. Only cash and credit cards .


  11. Cash back credit cards are one of the latest and most popular crazes to sweep the personal finance industry .


  12. " No , sir ," replied the clerk . " Only cash and credit cards . "


  13. The airline has software for booking flights and components for handling payments ( cash and credit cards ) .


  14. Hey , that ain 't 5 currency . Rules Is rules , my friend . No cash , no cards .


  15. Know whether you 're more inclined to overspend with cash or credit cards -- and leave that payment method at home 。


  16. Know whether you 're more inclined to overspend with cash or credit cards & and leave that payment method at home .


  17. At least for now , the currency is more of a curiosity than a true rival to cash and credit cards .


  18. China is the most dynamic market in the world in terms of mobile use . The use of cash and credit cards is already perceived as outdated .


  19. Alternatives like cash , credit cards and keychain payment cards with radio-frequency identification chips can be stolen and used by others .


  20. As Stratechery 's Ben Thompson observes , it 's hard to disrupt cash and credit cards because they both work pretty well .


  21. On my two-hour bus ride back from Guangzhou , cash and credit cards were stolen from my bag in the overhead compartment .


  22. But in China 's largest cities , you can definitely survive without carrying a pocket full of cash and credit cards - as long as you 've got your smartphone .


  23. One idea is to use the wireless PDAs as a kind of electronic wallet , authorizing payments in stores , as a replacement for cash and credit cards .


  24. Groups of10 contestants are left " homeless " for one night without cash or credit cards and compete against work mates to collect money by busking * or begging .


  25. Only cash and credit cards When a man called a motel and asked how much they charged for a room , the clerk told him that the rates depend on room size and number of people .


  26. Use cash instead of credit cards .


  27. Viewed as cash substitutes , scratch cards have also drawn the attention of armed robbers .
